Took a little time out of my schedule In August-September of this year, to collaborate with this Non Profit organization to produce Charity Event "Proud of my Culture Heritage Show". This image showing the Top guy, Issac and he is driven by his passion. He loves his country "Kenya". The cause he had in mind was to build a water well for the children in the out skirts of the country. The children attending a Primary School are in need to a fresh sustainable water source. This was no small effort, the number of performers organizers, and contributors that came together for this cause was tremendous.
This was a very successful endeavor. We had a full audtioruim with people who were every enterained. Myles of Great Hopes rasied alot of money through ticket sale, silent auction, and the Kenyan Cheff provided a delicious dinner.The Gofundme page is still up and we are still working on reaching the goal. We want these children with have fresh water... I hope that you find a way to not only donate, but like share post this everywhere.
Its a simple ting that we take for granted here in the U.S. but it means so much.
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