This year has been all about teaming up. I quickly learned that it takes team-power to create memorable events and I believe in the power of giving back. Putting these 2 concepts together led me to include Raleigh's Own Helping Hand Mission in the Bridge the GAP event. I incorporated a toy drive into the event to collect Christmas toys for the Mission. I know that I will be putting these toys in the right hands. There is a special energy that comes from planning events that involves giving back on a grand scale.
Planning and Coordinating with a such a busy person as Ms Wiggins, had it challenges, but it was well worth the effort. I almost became a permanent figure around the Rock Quarry Road Location. Any Event has many moving parts from Food to music to venue restrictions and so on. This one was no different; Mixing the African, Caribbean, and American Cultures Cuisine and Music is a bit complicated. Somehow we manage to pull it off and with a Christmas theme. Ms Silvia Wiggins was very happy with the results, she actually brought the full band, drummers, dancers, security and all to the event. See what she had to say about it for yourself on my event website www.TIEAC.com.

BIG THANK YOU to all those who partnered for a great cause. These cupcakes were a hit. We had 3 dozen yummy flavors like this cinnamon roll cupcake.
Bubsy Millions is an area Favorite and never fails to bring thr party

My Newest counterpart is Isaac Kuria, my Kenyan brother. When great minds think alike and come together, anythig can be accomplished.
Another BIG THANK YOU!!!
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