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Showing posts from 2015

The Bornatty Experience!!

The Bornatty Experience!! With vivid colors and extreme style, and multicultural influences Bornatty’s fashion line is a true one of a kind. I was pleasantly surprised to get the invitation to the Charity Event to benefit the homeless.  What a fabulous show… I sat near an American and an African attendee, just where I seem to always fine myself. The Oooo and Ahhh were the same, everyone saw something to love. The Swag level had me wanting to grab a Lion Jacket for my own husband. It’s not every woman that can dress international men as well as women. BORNATTY, wise designer Martone Evans is a soft spoken Caribbean woman based here in the Triangle area. She has infused her Island heritage in this amazing collection presented in this show. I was    impressed by not only the fashion but the other elements of the show. The musicians, Poets, and Models were a series of the who’s who of Raleigh.   People like Bubsy Millions performed, the most popular Mode...
This year has been all about teaming up. I quickly learned that it takes team-power to create memorable events and I believe in the power of giving back. Putting these 2 concepts together led me to include Raleigh's Own Helping Hand Mission in the Bridge the GAP event.  I incorporated a toy drive into the event to collect Christmas toys for the Mission. I know that I will be putting these toys in the right hands. There is a special energy that comes from planning events that involves giving back on a grand scale. Planning and Coordinating with a such a busy person as Ms Wiggins, had it challenges, but it was well worth the effort. I almost became a permanent figure around the Rock Quarry Road Location. Any Event has many moving parts from Food to music to venue restrictions and so on. This one was no different; Mixing the African, Caribbean, and American Cultures Cuisine and Music is a bit complicated. Somehow we manage to pull it off and with a Christmas theme. Ms Silvi...

Haelping Hands and Marching Bands get the Job Done

With all the Helping Hand Mission does to support the Raleigh Durham community's Homeles, in Need and Elderly, I felt this was the best place to put my resoures to use.  Together we will bridge a few more Gaps in society. Triangle International Event and Conferences Inc. is dedicatd to helping bring chirstmas joy to needy kids and ther families this holiday season. We are currently seeking companies willing take and feel a box with toy for the Families in need. Any size office, Shop, Salon, or private business can make a difference. Join the cause and attend the events schedules celebrate. Please email or  to find out how you can help. Cash donation are accepted by the directly Helping hand mission.  If you are interestedin sponsoring a family or would preferr to contribute to the purchase of a present please contact us. We are having our Annual Event Bridging the GAP 12/5/15 at the Westing Event Ce...

Cooking Stew and Curry Chicken w/ Triangle FLAVA

Making this video was soo much fun and I couldn't think of a better person to kick of this series with. I decided that since I am so lucky to have so many friends from around the world, I would let them show me how to make my favorites. I didn't waste time getting a baby sitters or are a studio because cooking is for the family. I have a big one!! So please excuse the noise you hear every now and then. No worries they were happy with the food too A few if the ingredient needed are Garlic ( fresh if you have it) Onion Curry Powder Brown Sugar Chicken ( which ever parts you like) we used wings Puree Onions, pepper and Garlic to make Puree to Marinate the chicken and wash with lime Oil and lots od tastey seasonings. I think I will continue to let My Trini mom prepare this Dish for me but if you don't have one. You are more than welcome to watch mine or even Order one of her Make Ahead dishes!!! I'm Ready I got my Bowl !!!

who doesn't love a good TED Talk, Roger McNamee at TEDxSantaCruz

They didn't want to listen to the crazy old guy in 20111... But let’s see. Tablets? Yes he was right those are huge. Periscope? Yes he was right live streaming events are amazing. Apple can't be taken down? Well we already knew that, but didn’t periscope start on Apple?   He had a lot of good points.. Independent success will define the future,   he has the concept!!! Ok ok ok, he can see the matrix. I can't follow all of it as most of us are only following the trends he is dwelled in to determine what the trends will be. Robert gets it. Facebook is already done and it’s great. But you can't redo the social platform, no more than you can redo YouTube. I can share everything on everything and even if I can't reTweet this posting or share this on Facebook or use the RSS feed to do it for me.... We now have apps!! Apps that will circulate our postings to all of our the social sites.    I have all access to everyone’s life and vice versa, right...

Proud of my Culture Event

Took a little time out of my schedule In August-September of this year, to collaborate with this Non Profit organization to produce Charity Event "Proud of my Culture Heritage Show". This image showing the Top guy, Issac and he is driven by his passion. He loves his country "Kenya". The cause he had in mind was to build a water well for the children in the out skirts of the country. The children attending a Primary School are in need to a fresh sustainable water source. This was no small effort, the number of performers organizers, and contributors that came together for this cause was tremendous. This was a very successful endeavor. We had a full audtioruim with people who were every enterained. Myles of Great Hopes rasied alot of money through ticket sale, silent auction, and the Kenyan Cheff provided a delicious dinner.The Gofundme page is still up and we are still working on reaching the goal.  We want these children with have fresh water.....


In Life it doesn't matter where you start. You have the opputunity to get where ever your heart desires to be. I wanted to tell a portion of my story so that you could have simple examples of how my decisions change path. You shape your desitiny.... If you beleive in yourself you can become the person you want to be. It's not always easy, but it will ease over time. I will be taking a journey through these choices and where I feel I made the right moves and where I made my mistakes. Its hard to acknowledge the lessons in your losses but when you do it changes your understanding. Its my mission to be a blessing on anyone questioning where they are and why they haven't reached their goals. Enjoy and Be blessed

Triangle International Teen Talent Show

Raleig  Durham and surrounding area. Traingle Flava held a competition for Teens to, "Share their Culture and Show their Talent". They did just that and all for the change to when $1,000 top prize, and $500 2nd Place Prive and a $100 3rd place prize. No one is a loser with we all share in expericnes and encourauge young people to develope their passins and follow their dreams. 2015 was the first year for this program Hosted by Triangle International Event and Confernce Inc. It is expected the 2016 compettion will be held in April. Resitration will begin soon. Visit or Follow us on Facebook to sign up for auditions. Don't let your Teen miss out on this chance to be seen and win Cash money !!! As always I want us all to remember that "We are more ALike than we are different" and if we enbrace our difference we could learn alot from eachother.